Monday, March 18, 2013

Things I love

Spring will be here this Thursday and always reminds me of this lady.  She was my confidant and one of my best friends.  Not a day has gone by that I don't miss her. She would have been 94 on April 13th.

I definitely got my jewelry liking from her.  She had beautiful jewelry.  Even if she was cleaning, she had her earrings on. :-) I have gotten into stacking bracelets lately.  I found these awesome cheap bangles 

So I wasn't quite sure I liked the Chevron print that everything is being made with but I do I do! I got this one shoulder top and this taupe/black dress from
  my friend's MIL boutique.  I haven't worn them yet but how cute are they ?!? 

Another thing I have been loving lately are Cuties!!! Could be the 5 pound box was on sale ;-)  So easy to peel and so good

 Speaking of Cutie, I got a Boston Terrier bobble head from my husband for
 V-Day ! I have always wanted one and she is awesome on my dash  :-) 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Its not ME!!

So I have long had the reputation of totally butchering song lyrics... I guess there are worse reputations to have. ;^)  The person this has tickled most has to be my BFF.  Probably because she knows every lyric to EVERY song ever made!! Or I guess it could be that I always botch the lyrics in front of her. HA  In my defense, I recorded snippets from the 'questionable' songs....

Example #1  Trace Adkins "Gone Fishin"- Perfectly cute song about a Daddy happy to be making memories with his daughter.  We are in the car and I am singing (or a clown was being strangled) and I sing "Nuttin too malnicious"  I say to BFF what is malnicious?  She is like huh?  He said nuttin too ambitious and I am like nawwww he said MALNICIOUS.  New word created right there- Mal-ni-cio-us = to be ambitiously malicious.   Someone call Websters stat...

Example #2 The Script "For the first time"- On my way to pick up BFF at work, I hear this and am blown away that the local radio station wouldn't bleep out a cuss word.  She gets in the car and I say I cant believe it but they just played the cuss word.  She said what cuss word?  I said listen.... "drinking cheap bottles of wine, sh*t talking up all night." She is laughing and says nooo it is sit talking.  Sit Talking?  Like what is that? I mean if we arent gonna sh*t talk each other and say that your grandma wears combat boots..I am not interested in being up all night.  Just saying.....

Example #3- Saved the best for last but I can't take credit for this doozy. :)  Working at Central Hardware, we would listen to the radio while we were closing up at night.  A cashier asked me to turn it up because she LOVED this song.  It was from the second Karate Kid movie.  So she is singing, "I am a man who will fight for Euroanna"  I said what did you just say.  She said it again.  I said what is Euroanna?  She shrugged and said "I guess a country in Europe??"   Best lyric mess up EVER!!