Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gift idea

So around Christmas, I am on Pinterest and to what did my wondering eyes should appear but this.....

Wha? A mini charger for your purse?  I soo need that so I promptly ordered myself & my BFF one. And then I waited, and waited, filed a claim with PayPal, waited and then guess what showed up??
How little and cute! And it was only....wait for it....$10.59 and free shipping!!  Of course it comes from China so you have to wait at least 3 weeks for shipping unless you want to priority ship.  It charges your camera, IPhone, IPad and most devices charged with a USB port.  After the charger is completely charged (tongue twister), the instructions say it can recharge a device 5 times before it needs to be recharged.  I haven't used mine that many times yet.  It doesn't seem to charge my phone as fast as an outlet but it charges it nonetheless.  Awesome & inexpensive gift for someone who doesn't always have access to an outlet or car charger. 



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